December 7, 2019

Champagne Candlelight Tour

Friday, December 6

Starting 5:00 pm

Experience the magic of Holly Trail by candlelight! The exclusive Champagne Candlelight Tour initiates the weekend beginning at 5:00 pm on Friday, December 6th, where guests are greeted at Stanton Ridge Counntry Club with champagne and hors d’oeurvres, followed by a sumptuous dinner buffet.

At approximately 6:30 p.m., luxury buses will depart from the Club to begin the house tour, including the Candy House where delectable sweets can be purchased. Each home is lit by the glow of luminaries lining the driveway and walkways and enhanced by outdoor lighting. The festive evening ends with sweets and coffee and tea at the Stanton Ridge Country Club.

Tickets for this event are $175 and are limited. Eighty dollars of each ticket qualifies as a charitable deduction to the extent allowable by law. All tickets must be ordered in advance and are not available on the day of the event.

Contact iinfoo@SStantonHHollyTraail.org for more information.